Monday, January 17, 2011

Radical Progressives!

As a recovering former democrat I really fail to understand why more democrats refuse to see the light and leave the party to become Independents. I guess they really believe that the party is for the common person in society. What a joke, the only thing that the party cares about are the votes, everything else is the cost of doing business. For example, democrats believe that they can get the female vote by supporting the woman's right to choose to have an abortion and it does not matter to them that on average there are about 1.5 million babies murdered each year, and to democrats it is only the cost of doing business. Democrats also believe that they can get the poor and working poor's vote by pouring money into their communities, however, democrats don't want them in their communities or schools. To the democrat elite this is only a cost of doing business and they are the first to leave for the suburbs and gated communities and private schools!

I have known many liberals who consider the poor, the uneducated, blacks and other minorities, and the handicapped as second class citizens. These liberals have a hated for anyone with different view or opinion than themselves and in general are very negative about everything around them! These liberals can sometimes be vindictive and very difficult to talk to or deal with. When I try to discuss any social topic with them and try to get them to understand a reality that they apparently can not grasp, they respond with the typical liberal response of name calling, getting angry, or some other form of violent outburst. As a result I have given up trying to discuss anything political or social because a liberal apparently has a genetic defect or a mental disorder. This is too bad since I still have many liberal friends who still believe the propaganda.

I understand the mentality of the progressive liberal democrats because they are the reason that I left the party. The radical progressives started taking over the democratic party back in the 1960's and now after 50 years there are NO common sense democrats left. In other words the democratic party is not the party of your father and grandfather. The NEW democrats came from the radicals who were involved in the Viet Nham protest violence who conned a large number of college students that their protests were all about freedom from Big Government. What they were really about was the destruction of the United States from within and the formation of Big Government with these radical progressives in charge!

Students like his Oneness Barak Obama became a firm believer in this doctrine and hid behind a cloak of secrecy to become elected to a government office. Now that the cat is out of the bag all of the slimy groups are now showing themselves and proudly holding up their posters and flags for all to see. You won't see this information coming from the Lame Street Media but you can find it on the internet by going to several liberal websites.

The radical progressive democrats have a game plan that they have used very successfully with the aid of the liberal news media. Tea Party activists should copy the radical's game plan and use it as a way to discredit and overcome the radicals and the compliant liberal news media. In the future I will try to explain some of the liberal propaganda methods that they have successfully used over the last 50 years. These methods were used when I was young and dumb and believed the democratic propaganda. Many of these devices are very simple and are not very difficult to use by a conscientious group such as the tea party.

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