Friday, January 21, 2011

Liberal Game Plan

Conservatives need to adopt liberal tactics in order to change the views of the American people. Conservatives need to counter the negative message presented by the lame street media with a more positive staging. Liberals have for years and years presented a steady drumbeat that conservatives were less than human and conservatives have sat around crying foul and have done nothing to counteract this message.

The favorite liberal tactic is to launch a massage intimidation campaign against the advertisers of conservative media outlets. The liberal goal is to stop advertisers from advertising on certain programs. Progressive henchmen have taken this tactic to a new and disgusting level. Unions and other large groups of thugs have shown up on the doorsteps of those that they wish to intimidate! Intimidation is their favorite tool. Liberals constantly scream and carry on as if the world is about to end and the compliant media repeats word for word the liberal message!

These tactics are part of the liberal playbook and they use it often and in a variety of ways. Liberals will discredit anyone who speaks out in opposion to their agenda by comparing them to the lowest elements in society. Liberals will label them as murderers, uninformed, violent, racists, uneducated, Nazis, or members of the KKK! Have you ever noticed how every liberal parrots the same message and thought of the day! This is because they have a daily plan and no liberal is allowed to deviate from that plan.

The really ugly part of this tactic is the fact that the liberal lame street news media follows this same liberal tactical script. . You can see it daily in the news media when they assassinate anyone who disagrees with the liberal issue of the moment, some are worse than others but the message does get through!

A large number of the democratic rank and file falls for this message because they refuse to take a close look at anything. If they read or hear it in the news media or hear it from the democratic leadership then it must be true! They really believe that the party is for the common person because that is what they are told by their union bosses and party bosses, and we all know what pillars of society they are.

Conservatives must start to develop their own tactical playbook and they might want to copy some liberal tactics, such as, launching their own intimidation campaigns against the advertisers in the liberal news media. The Tea Party could be very effective using this tactic! Advertisers will react to these threats just like they do when democrats have used them in the past. When I was a democrat I was very aware of this tactic being used all the time however, when I left the democrats I never saw conservatives or independents use this tactic. Looks like we have arrived at a point in time where conservatives need to become activists or the thugs will win!

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