Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Radical Progressive Liberal Propaganda Techniques

Propaganda is a specific type of message presentation, aimed at serving an agenda, even if the message conveys true information, progressives will make it partisan and fail to paint a complete picture. The book ‘Propaganda and Persuasion’ defines propaganda as "the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist."

Propaganda shares many techniques with advertising and public relations; in fact, advertising and PR can be said to be propaganda promoting a commercial product. As commonly understood, however, the term usually refers to political or nationalist messages. It can take the form of leaflets, posters, TV broadcasts, newspapers or radio broadcasts. In a narrower and more common use of the term, propaganda refers to deliberately false or misleading information that supports a political cause or the interests of those in power.

The propagandist seeks to change the way people understand an issue or situation, for the purpose of changing their actions and expectations in ways that are desirable to the interest group. In this sense, propaganda serves as a corollary to censorship, in which the same purpose is achieved, not by filling people's heads with false information, but by preventing people from knowing true information. This currently goes on with the news media and the public would not know the difference were it not for the electronic media that lets the public know what really is happening.

What sets propaganda apart from other forms of advocacy is the willingness of the propagandist to change people's understanding through deception and confusion, rather than discussion and understanding. The leaders of an organization know the information to be one sided or untrue but this may not be true for the rank and file members who help to disseminate the propaganda.

With the progressives the fact that something is not true does not matter, what is important to them are the results. Like the Marxist beliefs that they adhere to, ‘the end justifies the means’. Progressives are no longer afraid to show their true colors and therefore carry their red flags with pride.

A number of techniques are used to create messages which are persuasive, but false. Many of these same techniques can be found under logical fallacies since propagandists use arguments which, although sometimes convincing, are not necessarily valid.

Some time has been spent analyzing the means, by which propaganda messages are transmitted, but it's clear that information dissemination strategies only become propaganda strategies when coupled with propagandistic messages. Identifying these propaganda messages is a necessary prerequisite to studying the methods by which those messages are spread. That's why it is essential to have some knowledge of the following techniques for generating propaganda:

Appeal to fear: Appeals to fear seeks to build support by instilling fear in the general population - for example Joseph Goebbels exploited Theodore Kaufman's ‘Germany Must Perish!’ to claim that the Allies sought the extermination of the German people.
Appeal to authority: Appeals to authority cite prominent figures to support a position idea, argument, or course of action.
Obtain disapproval: This technique is used to get the audience to disapprove of an action or idea by suggesting the idea is popular with groups hated, feared, or held in contempt by the target audience. Thus, if a group which supports a policy is led to believe that undesirable, subversive, or contemptible people also support it; the members of the group might decide to change their position.
Rationalization: Individuals or groups may use favorable generalities to rationalize questionable acts or beliefs. Vague and pleasant phrases are often used to justify such actions or beliefs.
Intentional vagueness: Generalities are deliberately vague so that the audience may supply its own interpretations. The intention is to move the audience by use of undefined phrases, without analyzing their validity or
attempting to determine their reasonableness or application
Labeling: This technique attempts to arouse prejudices in an audience by labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as something the target
audience fears, hates, loathes, or finds undesirable.
Scapegoating: Assigning blame to an individual or group that isn't really
responsible, thus alleviating feelings of guilt from responsible parties
and/or distracting attention from the need to fix the problem for which
blame is being assigned.
Virtue words: These are words in the value system of the target audience which tend to produce a positive image when attached to a person or issue. Peace, happiness, security, wise leadership, freedom, etc., are virtue words.
Slogans: A slogan is a brief striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. If ideas can be sloganized, they should be, as good slogans are self-perpetuating memes. See also doublespeak, information warfare, meme, and psyops.

Common methods for transmitting propaganda messages include news reports, government reports, historical revision, theater, books, leaflets, movies, radio and television, and posters. Some of the most effective propaganda techniques work by misdirecting or distracting the public's finite attention away from important issues. It's important to read between the lines of the news and see what isn't being reported, or what is reported once, quietly, and not followed up. In an age of information overload, distraction techniques can as effective as active propaganda.

One way to test for distraction is to look for items that appear repeatedly in foreign press (from neutral and hostile countries) and that don't appear in your own. But beware of deliberately placed lies that are repeated with the hope that people will believe it if it is repeated often enough.

Politicians use many types of propaganda techniques to mislead and confuse voters. Today’s voters must be versed in the many types of information management that is used by the government, politicians, news media, and others that are attempting to control how the public thinks!!! The public must understand that the elite leadership of the progressives thinks that the public is stupid and gullible and will therefore believe anything that they say.

I will try to convey these various types of propaganda on this web site and hopefully we can all begin to see the real picture of what is going on in our country. The American people are being controlled by the liberal news media along with the progressives and their stated goal is to establish BIG GOVERNMENT that is led by these elite progressives.

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