Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dialectic Process and transformational Marxism - Part 2

Like Karl Marx, today's radical progressive globalist leaders seek ways to undermine Biblical truth and set up a type of society that can not resist their evil line of thought. They know that the main obstacle to global solidarity, is God's uncompromising Word and the conservative views. They cannot build "a single world culture" without first undermining absolute Truth. After all, that's why Christians were persecuted in the Soviet Union and other Communist countries! That is why christians in the middle east are daily tortured or killed!

ASCD (the curriculum arm of the NEA), published a 1970 book with a chapter by Dr. Raymond Houghton, who envisions a world managed through the subtle but manipulative collective "dialogue." His warning should be a wake-up call for all who love truth and factual truthfulness; "...absolute behavior control is the end result. The critical point of behavior control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his self-conscious realization that a crisis is at hand. Man will never self-consciously know that it has happened." However, if people look and seek the truth they will understand what is really taking place.

UNESCO published a 1995 book titled Our Creative Diversity. It tells us that-- "The challenge to humanity is to adopt new ways of thinking, new ways of acting, new ways of organizing itself in society, in short, new ways of living."  Marc Tucker, the master-mind behind today's global school-to-work system. "Our objective will require a change in the prevailing culture -- the attitudes, values, norms and accepted ways of doing things." In other words, the old Christian ways and values are out and the new, subjective postmodern ways are in. Some teachers in some schools have been quietly teaching in this fashion for several years!

Already trained to follow feelings rather than facts (and peer culture rather than parental counsel) today's youth are marching happily toward an amoral, permissive (at least for the moment) collective society. Many have already internalized the ground rules for the dialectic process: Seek "common ground" in the midst of today's diversity. Show respect, tolerance and appreciation for all beliefs and values (unless they reflect Biblical truth). Train everyone to share their feelings, listen empathetically, and identify with opposing views, then blissfully flow with the group consensus. It works! This process transforms individual thinkers into group thinkers. Since the sense of belonging feels good, the threat of group disapproval inhibits members from voicing "offensive" views. The current version of this collective society thinking is the requirement that everyone must be politically correct when dealing with other members of the gulag.

Webster's dictionary defines the word dialectic as "Hegelian philosophy" a logical subjective development in thought, from a THESIS through an ANTITHESIS to a SYNTHESIS, or ... a continuous unification of opposites. "In the dialectic process, there must be two or more sides to everything. Nothing is absolute; everything is changing in a preplanned direction. As Ismail Serageldin, former vice president of The World Bank, said at the 1996 UN Conference on Human Settlements in Istanbul (Habitat II), "Let's just make sure that social change and transformation are going in the right direction." Apparently the correct meaning of that statement is change coming from the left, which is where it is coming from today in America.

"Would the American people allow government control and collectivism to replace freedom and individualism? Not without a fight and so would the rest of the world. However, this social transformation is well under way, and the American masses unknowingly simply flow with the change. Planned over a century ago, the framework for managing and monitoring this worldwide revolution was in place by 1945. The process seems simple and not really intrusive but once you look critically at how it works you begin to understand how dangerous it is. Remember the 2008 slogan of "Captain Zero" Obama, "We will change and transform America", what do you think that slogan meant?

Dr. Chisholm, Margaret Mead and other social scientists from ten countries wrote its founding document, "Mental Health and World Citizenship." Notice their attitude toward traditional values: "Social institutions such as family and school impose their imprint early.... It is the men and women in whom these patterns of attitude and behavior have been incorporated who present the immediate resistance to social, economic and political changes. Thus, prejudice, hostility or excessive nationalism may become deeply embedded in the developing personality... often at great human cost.... "...change will be strongly resisted unless an attitude of acceptance has first been engendered." Their motto then became keep it simple.

Today, more than half a century later, that "attitude of acceptance" has been built. Nations around the world are fast conforming to the pattern set in the 1940s. The global network of "mental health" partners is working to prevent anything that would hinder "positive" collective thinking in the rising global village....Mass immigration (planned back in the 1940s) and multicultural conflicts have added to the urgency, and the intentional crisis has helped promote pre-planned solutions. Today, strategies for social change such as group thinking, conflict resolution, consensus building and continual compromise are becoming the norm. All are based on the dialectic process used in the former Soviet Union to conform minds to Soviet ideology...

Islam may not match the UN model for a global spirituality, but its spreading influence makes it a useful tool in the hands of change agents. Remember the Hegelian dialectic (consensus) process. The class discusses a provocative story or experience. The students share their thoughts, feelings and ideas in the group. Everyone must seek "common ground" and empathize with contrary ideas. Factual rebuttals that might offend a group member are forbidden. Throughout the dialogue, a trained facilitator guides the group back on track if it deviates from its course toward the prescribed consensus or group conclusion. When feel-good Islamic suggestions become part of this mix, they help shift the consensus a little further away from any Christian position. How many 7th graders are strong enough in their faith to disagree with a group conclusion that Allah and God are the same? Who dares to express the uniqueness of Christ, when even Prince Charles, first in line to the British throne, says, "We share as Muslims and Christians a powerful core of spiritual belief - in one divine God"?

This tactic -- used years ago to indoctrinate Soviet children with Communist ideology -- now pressures children from Christian homes to "open their minds" to new religious blends. Islam becomes a stepping stone, not an end. It broadens the options. As part of a classroom program, it subjects a child's personal faith to a psycho-social group process that pressures students to compromise: to trade personal convictions for a pre-planned "common ground." And that is the key. We live in a world where -- as educators, politicians and business managers like to remind us -- "the only constant is change." The main objective is to disconnect children from their old spiritual anchors so that their minds can flow with today's managed change and group solutions.

Key to social transformation is "praxis", a vital part of Soviet brainwashing. It meant that dialectic groups must continually apply new information about Communist theory and socialist values. As today's educators tell us, "learning" must be practical and experiential: no need to memorize unnecessary facts about history or science that might conflict with the new vision. Continual practice makes the new way of thinking as natural as walking. Turning a deaf ear to "enemies" who resist this process becomes as habitual as locking your door. Look at what "Captain Zero" and his henchmen are doing and you will begin to realize that the gulag is not far off!

From UNESCO: Its purpose and Its Philosophy by Julian Huxley, first Director-General of UNESCO: "The task before UNESCO... is to help the emergence of a single world culture with its own philosophy and background of ideas and with its own broad purpose. This is opportune, since this the first time in history that the scaffolding and the mechanisms for world unification have become available.... And it is necessary, for at the moment, two opposing philosophies of life confront each other from the West and from the East....

"You may categorize the two philosophies as two super-nationalisms, or as individualism versus collectivism; or as the American versus the Russian way of life, or as capitalism versus communism, or as Christianity versus Marxism. Can these opposites be reconciled, this antithesis be resolved in a higher synthesis?" Huxley then stated " I believe not only that this can happen, but that, through the inexorable dialectic of evolution, it must happen.... "In pursuing this aim, we must eschew [shun] dogma - whether it be theological dogma or Marxist dogma.... East and West will not agree on a basis of the future if they merely hurl at each other the fixed ideas of the past. For that is what dogma's are -- the crystallizations of some dominant system of thought of a particular epoch. A dogma may of course crystallize tried and valid experience; but if it be dogma, it does so in a way which is rigid, uncompromising and intolerant.... If we are to achieve progress, we must learn to uncrystalize our dogmas."

Then Huxley stated that; "Groups or teams must be trained to disapprove if any member fails to demonstrate respect, appreciation and tolerance for all beliefs and positions that clash with his own. In other words, intolerance must be used to intimidate dissenters into compliance with the ground rules. There is no freedom to share 'divisive' facts or truth. Instead, each person must listen with empathy, seek to identify with diverse feelings, and join the quest for 'common ground.'

"The issues may change from week to week, but with each group meeting, this dialectic process becomes increasingly habitual and 'normal.' If a person has a particular belief (thesis) concerning a current issue, he listens and identifies with an opposite or conflicting notion (antithesis). Led by a trained facilitator, the dialogue moves toward a new synthesis, a blend of the two opposites. Week after week, the former synthesis becomes the new thesis. It, in turn, blends with other new views (antithesis) and a new synthesis is found. This process goes on and on.... Change becomes the norm and opposites such as black and white come closer and closer to a perfect and mutual gray."

"In their mandatory quest for common ground, students learn that there must be two or more sides to everything. All group members must present their personal views, receive group feedback, and seek an evolving consensus. Thesis + antithesis = synthesis (which becomes the new thesis) + new antithesis = new synthesis.... The main objective is learning dialectic reasoning and group thinking, not the content. Whatever the latter brings could be changed tomorrow. "As a result of migration into every American community, a high school class as well as a team of employee is likely to include members who favor Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, witchcraft and the various versions of 'Christianity.' In this multicultural setting, each person will be challenged to yield his or her certainties and willingly embrace the ever-changing group synthesis." Example: "It reminds me of the little old lady who prayed, 'Lord, forgive me', I do so many things I used to call sin."

Multiculturalism is a direct offshoot of Marxism and has spread throughout the world! Some countries like England and Germany have started to standup against this idea and are starting to take steps to oppose the idea of multiculturalism. In the US we still have a large number of supporters of multiculturalism who feel that it is important to be politically correct and be protective of even our enemies. We must begin to appose this terrible idea before the wolves of freedom start their attack.

Our liberal news media is the worst culprit of this type of political correctness. We see every day one or more articles in the news about the worth of being politically correct at all costs. The advance of the dialectical process is America's most important problem in today's world. If we, as a nation, do not protect our children against this evil growing amongst us then the collective is not far behind. When good christians do nothing then evil wins and I am afraid that we are losing the fight!

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