Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Just A Retired Thinker

Socialist Propaganda is now very evident on most T.V. News Shows. ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNBC, NPR, CNN, and even the Weather Channel are all following the socialist and liberal view and not even trying to hide this fact. It appears that they believe that the public masses can not think for themselves so they, the Main Street Media, are doing a public service by thinking for their viewers.

Apparently most,if not all, of the people who continue to watch these news sources need this information. However, this provides the liberal media with a means to exploit those who are not prepared to think for themselves. The American people must wake up and understand that what they are viewing is nothing more than social propaganda because only one view is presented and that is the liberal view!!! If you want to become informed about what is really happening I would urge you to view the Fox News Chanel or the Internet sites that I have posted on my web site at www.myretiredvoice.com.

The American people have to understand that those who write TV commercials are not the only experts with skills in perception management! These other experts all have a deep understanding of the methods of Social Propaganda and in today's world the liberals don't hesitate to use these skills. Everyone must understand that a persons perception of things around him/her is their reality. These Socialists are attempting to alter perceptions in order to change reality. If we don't stay alert then they will win and they will "Fundamentally change America". Have you heard this expression before?

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