Friday, October 16, 2009

October 17, 2009
The New American Revolution!

The current political unrest in America seems to have awoken many members of the “silent majority”. It is becoming very apparent that this majority is not happy with the democratically controlled government in Washington. There has been a large increase in the numbers of actively involved citizens that are staging protests. It appears that the more the main street media and government leaders criticizes and calls these involved citizens names then the citizens become even more involved! Even those that are retired are becoming activists. This citizen movement must continue to grow because the socialists have a plan for America and this plan will destroy everything that America stands for! This plan will overload our system until it breaks and then the socialists will put in place their domestic plan of wealth redistribution.

According to George Soros is the great benefactor for this group of socialists and has given millions to this group. In 1979 Soros established the Open Society Institute (OSI), which serves as the flagship of a network of Soros foundations that donate tens of millions of dollars each year to a wide array of individuals and organizations that share the founder's agendas.

Those agendas can be summarized as follows: promoting the view that America is institutionally an oppressive nation, promoting the election of leftist socialist political candidates throughout the United States, opposing virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by U.S. government; particularly the Patriot Act, depicting American military actions as unjust and unwarranted and immoral, promoting open borders and mass immigration and a watering down of current immigration laws, promoting a dramatic expansion of social welfare programs funded by ever-escalating taxes, promoting social welfare benefits and amnesty for illegal aliens, defending the civil rights and liberties of suspected anti-American terrorists and their abettors, financing the recruitment and training of future activist leaders of the political Left, advocating America's unilateral disarmament and/or a steep reduction in its military spending, opposing the death penalty in all circumstances, promoting socialized medicine in the United States, promoting the tenets of radical environmentalism.

The ultimate goal of their ecological policies such as cap and tax are, as writer Michael Berliner has explained, "not clean air and clean water, [but] rather ... the demolition of technological/industrial civilization", bringing American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations, promoting racial and ethnic preferences in academia and the business world alike, promoting taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand, advocating stricter gun-control measures, and advocating the legalization of marijuana.

Do you see a pattern here or is it my imagination? I see President Obama’s agenda and Mr. Soros’s agenda as one and the same. They both have the same plan with the same sorry end result for America, which is the establishment of socialism! The “silent majority” must stay alert and active and be ready to contact our elected leaders to tell them to stop this movement toward socialism. If our leaders don’t stop then we must elect new leaders that will do what we ask of them. Remember “proper planning prevents poor performance”!

Beware of what is going on in the shadows by the many, many groups funded by Mr. Soros because that is where evil plans are currently being developed that will promote these agendas and make them successful. Americans must be prepared to fight these shadowy groups with their evil socialist plans for America! Join together with other local citizens and form groups and make plans for the coming battle against these socialist plans for America. I would urge retired military members, retired teachers, retired lawyers and other retired citizens to join some of these local groups. Contact me if you need help with these groups.

1 comment:

  1. This is the amount of incredulous influence the--OPEN BORDER--lobbyists (business power brokers and ethnic zealots)) have on certain Democratic devious rabble? Once again the senate top echelon have huddled secretly (BEHIND CLOSED DOORS), recklessly placing E-Verify worker identification system in jeopardy. The obnoxious R-O-P-E Senate group as its being called on the Internet and nationwide, who are marked as Reid, Obama, Pelosi Emmanuel have indifferently pushed American Workers in the background, allowing the millions of illegal aliens to take their jobs. They have driven into the ground amendments from appearing in the final Homeland Security "conference committee" bill. They eradicated--ANY CHANCE--of a Senate's permanent authorization of the E-Verify program. These sleazy politicians are banqueting on the bones of unemployed US labor, without a second thought.

    They have religiously under-funded, undermined the Senate's mandate to beef up and complete the final 300 mile Mexican border fence. Then again it was never the original border wall as designed by Rep. Duncan Hunter. Illegal Aliens would have first had to scale the--FIRST--fence, run across the two lane highway for the Border Patrol vehicles, then scale an identical--SECOND FENCE. Under funded and weakened just like E-Verify, the police 287(g) arrest and detainment and ceasing the massive ICE raids. Finally the ROPE group strangled the Senate (already) passed ability of countrywide businesses to run their previous hires employees through E-Verify. So you can guess this is a harbinger to drop on the AMERICAN WORKER YET ANOTHER ULTIMATELY EXPENSIVE BLANKET AMNESTY. THOSE TAXPAYERS WILL BE FORCED TO PICK UP A TRILLION DOLLAR TAB. Be advised that Reid D-NV , Pelosi D-CA have one of the largest population of illegal immigrants in the country, who they are subservient too. Remember to expend your frustration and anger at 202-224-3121on your lawmakers. They are juggling with millions of American Workers job lifeline, by pandering to people who shouldn't even be here?

    MY SUGGESTION IS DON"T BUY ANY SERVICES FROM BUSINESS THAT DOESN'T DISPLAY THE E-VERIFY PLACARD. Remember the real conniving happens in rooms hidden from the public awareness in conference committees. In addition, Remember Harry Reid as an incumbent Senator who carries the ugly stain of being anti-American Worker, Anti-Sovereignty must not be re-elected. Speaker Pelosi must go? So must Emmanuel? They have proved they cannot be trusted As NUMBERSUSA president says," With no chance now of E-Verify dying in any minute, because they couldn't annul the 3 year extension? The pro-amnesty forces no longer can try to use it as a bargaining chip. States, counties, cities and businesses can now be quite confident that they can set policy based on the E-Verify program being around." IT'S NOT PERMANENT YET NO THANKS TO ROPE. This group has given preference to illegal workers instead of the 15 million authorized AMERICAN WORKERS. COMPREHEND MORE OF THE CORRUPTION THAT CANNOT BE DENIED BY POLITICIANS AT JUDICIAL WATCH. NUMBERSUSA will explain in detail the consequences, that includes the 2010 Census, Health Care, ACORN, Local police alien enforcement, hidden welfare programs, Anchor babies-Birthright citizenship, criminals amongst the illegal immigration occupiers. CAPSWEB for OVERPOPULATION information. Read the immigration enforcement--GRADING--of each and every one of them at NUMBERSUSA.
