Monday, October 5, 2009

October 3, 2009
Big Government grows larger!
First it was the government takeover of the big banks and then it was the auto industry and now the health care industry. It is now becoming very clear that if the Presidents Healthcare plan passes, as it is currently written in both the House and Senate, then all Americans will be affected by higher costs for health insurance, senior citizens will be affected by having their Medicare cut drastically, and most Americans will have to pay higher taxes to help pay for this monstrosity. Everyone knows that whatever costs the Government tacks onto the Insurance companies will be passed on to all of us.
This increase in costs, Government regulations, and the ability of Government to sell their product at a much cheaper price, since the Government will have taxpayer money to support their insurance programs, will cause private insurance companies to eventually go out of business. If you need an example of what will be the future of our healthcare just look at the other government ran programs like the Post Office, the Amtrak Transit program, Fannie May, Freddie Max, and Social Security.
Apparently congress is going to pass the healthcare program by using special rules that only require a majority of votes in favor of the healthcare plan as written. These special rules will not allow for discussion and is filibuster proof; therefore, there is no way to prevent the vote from happening! As a result senior citizens must send letters or e-mails, make phone calls, or somehow contact your senators and representatives to let them know your feelings about this terrible healthcare plan.
Next on the agenda for congress is the costly “Cap and Trade” bill which will tax large companies for allowing harmful particulates and gases into to the environment. This bill will increase utility costs for everyone since they will pass on all costs to the consumers. Many experts have indicated that this increased cost may double or even triple our utility bills. Congress is passing this bill to control man made global warming, which is not the cause since climate change is caused by the sun and other factors in nature and is not man made. Most real scientists laugh at this idea presented by pseudo-scientists at the United Nations and believed by politicians as factual. Again seniors will be affected by this bill, especially when you factor in the governments decision to freeze social security increases for the next two years and maybe for all future years! Many experts believe that social security will be paying out more than they take in by the year 2015 and this has been known by your congress for many years. Another reason to reduce the size of Big Government!! A recent survey has shown that a majority thinks that randomly selected people off the streets would make better representatives and senators.
Seniors must contact their congressmen and women and begin to take a very active role in helping these people make decisions that are more in line with seniors needs. Seniors must join together in political groups so that their voices are heard loud and clear in Washington! Seniors must look at both parties and decide which one has their best interests in mind. The Republicans have a new leader, Michael Steele, and he has made sure that senior citizens have a place at their table. In fact Mr. Steele has developed a “Bill of rights” for Senior Citizens which show that the republicans are very interested in seniors becoming a part of their coalition. Seniors must forget about the AARP because they are not a special interest group for seniors, they are an insurance company that sells to seniors! Seniors must join groups like the American Seniors Association so that their voices are heard in congress! If you need help in contacting ASA send me an e-mail at and I will be more than happy to assist you.

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