Friday, October 2, 2009

Just A Retired Thinker 9-26-09


September 26, 2009

Citizens in revolt

It is apparent that the majority of Americans has for a long, long time set by and ignored what was or was not going on in their country. They were for the most part to busy working, paying bills, and raising their families to be actively involved in criticizing the government or doing anything about the Main Street Medias misinformation tactics. In fact, forty years ago they were defined as the “silent majority” by the media because they seemed not to be concerned enough to raise their collective voices and remained silent during difficult times. This shows how the Main Street Media thinks about those that don’t agree with their elitist attitudes and about the “little person”. In a recent article Bruce Walker gives a quote from Vice President Spiro Agnew in 1961 about the Main Street Media:
"We can deduce that these men read the same newspapers. They draw their political and social views from the same sources. Worse, they talk constantly to one another, thereby providing artificial reinforcement to their shared viewpoints. Do they allow their biases to influence the selection and presentation of the news?"
Today’s reality shows that the silent majority now is actively involved as was indicated by the attendance at the various congressional voter workshops and the Teaparty held in Washington DC. So the old “Silent Majority” has become the new “Not So Silent Majority”.
Bruce Walker also wrote in that article “Rasmussen in a September 11 poll confirmed how Americans really feel about ideology: all political labels except "being like Reagan" are in growing disfavor; the term "progressive" (a leftist hiding behind a different moniker) is becoming unpopular; and only fifteen percent of Americans consider being called "liberal" a positive. What Rasmussen reports fits perfectly with Gallup, which recently showed conservatives outnumbering liberals and Battleground Polls, which for almost a decade have consistently shown sixty percent of Americans identify themselves as conservatives (not liberals and not moderates.)” and certainly not a progressive! This being the case then how do we explain the fact that socialists have gained so much power in the Democratic Party? I suggest that the “McCain-Feingold Act” changed the entire playing field so that now these shadow groups can buy congressmen and women with ease; unforeseen results of laws not carefully written! We need to pressure congress to change this law and close this giant loophole that allows Soros and others to donate millions of dollars that support candidates that are socialists in their beliefs and actions!
Successful and useful things tend to spawn other successful and useful things, so we are seeing a large surge in private citizens becoming actively involved. Look at the Tea Party movement and look at the two "activists" who did their own private sting on Acorn at a cost of a few thousand dollars of their own money. With a PC and a few hundred dollars worth of equipment, thanks to You Tube, anyone can do likewise. I am trying to get the information out and I only had to put out money for my computer, internet service, and some software. We can finally let the people everywhere see the ugly underside of the left's chaos and plans to destroy our society in their effort to achieve their secular utopia. Will you be involved at the next Teaparty? I would urge everyone reading this to join or start a group in your local community and begin to take an active role in making sure that your views are considered by our congressmen and women. If you want information on how to start a local chapter send me an e-mail at and I will be happy to direct you to the information you will need to get started.

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