Monday, January 23, 2012

Why The Democratic Party Is Doomed.

The democratic party, as we have known it for the past 80 years, is now in its last days. Yes, the House Republicans may raise the debt ceiling for a mix of spending cuts and revenue raisers. Yes, Barack Obama may win the 2012 presidential contest by devious tricks. Yes, bureaucrats and judges will continue to impose new and costly regulations on the economy. But it doesn’t matter. The long-term trends are almost all bad news for the extreme left wing of the party.

This fight over raising the federal debt limit exposes a key weakness in the warfare-welfare state that has bestowed power onto the democratic party: Without an ever-growing share of the economy, it dies. Every vital element of the democrats’ coalition — unions, government workers, government contractors, “entitlement” consumers — requires constant increases in payments, grants and consulting contracts. Without those payments, they don’t sign checks to re-elect democrats. With the current size of the national debt there is no way that you can tax enough "evil rich people" to reduce this debt before it all collapses and everyone then suffers the consequences of this type of egregious behavior!

Like it or not, Obama is not the new FDR, but the new Gorbachev: a man forced to preside over the demise of a political system he desperately wants to save. Democrat champions in the punditocracy confidently predict that the future of the world’s oldest political party is bright. But in fact, the coalition that is the modern democratic party is doomed. Every pillar upholding its heavy roof is crumbling. Today's democratic party is not the same party as it once was, in fact it has morphed into the progressive party, which is code for communist party!

The democratic and Republican parties are structurally different. The democrats are a coalition, forged in the New Deal, of diverse interests that do not get along well. Imagine the deer-hunting union member sitting down with the vegetarian college professor and the lesbian lawyer and you will begin to see the trouble party leaders have holding the horde together. So far, money and government preferences have been essential. It is largely a party of unions, government workers and retirees, “green” industries, “entitlement” payees, professors, teachers and social-change activists — all of whom require government payments in one form or another. The only major element of the democratic base that doesn’t receive government payments is the professional class (lawyers, engineers, stock brokers and so on). These high-earners amount to less than 5% of the population and are not reliable democrat donors.

On the other hand, the Republicans are a consensus party. Activists and leaders fight like hell — leading democrats to periodically predict the Republicans’ demise — only to settle on some principle that is then adopted by the majority. Tax cuts and preemptive invasions were once battlegrounds, now they are cornerstones. Significantly, very few of its supporters receive government payments. Yes, defense firms, farmers and small-business owners get contracts, subsidies or loans. Yet the overwhelming majority of Republicans pay more than they receive. They want to pay less, not get more.

The democratic leadership is well aware of this trend and it is because of this trend that they have started their new tactic of "fundamental transformation". This is a tactic right out of Saul Alinsky's playbook and involves pitting the have not's against the haves by promoting "the evils of capitalism". This "Hegelian Dialectic process" is right out of the Marxist view of the world!

Captain Zero and his minions want to roundup all their activists and promote chaos through the actions of their OWS stooges. These activities all follow the rules that are written in "Alinsky's rules for radicals", which, Captain Zero, the neighborhood organizer, knows verbatim.

Conservatives have to stay alert and become activists themselves in order to defeat these marxist agitators and make the upcoming elections this year a resounding defeat for the democrats. As a former true believer I know that dirty tricks will occur if conservatives do not become active in their local communities. These future conservative activists who want to learn what to do to become successful can easily register on line at the and gain these skills.

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