Friday, November 6, 2009


November 6, 2009
Light At The End of the Tunnel?

Are we approaching a point in time where the American people are able to breathe easier about healthcare? Yes, but only if they continue to write letters, e-mail, or call their representatives in both houses of congress. If everyone decides that they can take a break and not continue with their current efforts then we will lose our battle to stop this hideous healthcare plan.

The Marxists will think that we have given up and continue with their efforts to pass this plan through congress! We can not stop right now, instead we must double our efforts because the moderate democrats believe that as a result of November 3rd’s election results they will also lose their reelection attempt’s if they vote for this plan! Unless seniors continue to make a loud noise then they will lose this battle and as a result will see huge cuts in Medicare!

The next battle will be to stop the cap and tax bill that congress is working on because that terrible bill will make our utility bills go up because all of the energy taxes will be passed on to consumers. The energy experts have predicted that these casts could go up 200 % and may go even higher! It seems as if these social democrats want to take us all down so they can lift up everyone to the same level and have control over everything in America. If you think things are bad now wait until the socialists get finished with us!!!!

Please check out the socialists that are planning our future for us at This group, led by George Soros, hates America and all that it stands for and wants to replace our Democracy with a Marxist Government!! Unless we get rid of all the social democrats in congress, then they will succeed in changing our form of government. These shadow groups have taken over most of the democratic party with the aid of George Soros’s billions of dollars.

Help keep America strong and free by checking out who the social democrats are and vote them all out of office. There are good and decent representatives that deserve your vote and will do a better job! This means that you must research each candidate to see if they are progressive in their thinking because that will alert you to a socialist candidate!!!!! You must also look at republican candidates as well because some of them are progressive in their thinking and we must not support them.

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