The Mind-Changing Process or the 'Hegelian Dialectic Method' has become the cornerstone not only of the global education system, but of 'Total Quality' management [TQM] in all kinds of governmental, corporate and private organizations around the world. Meanwhile, the training programs, assessment technology and data tracking systems that complement and monitor this psycho-social process are growing increasingly sophisticated and intrusive!!
Today’s America shows the effects of that revolutionary ideology. So it should not surprise us that a fifth-grade teacher in the state of Washington would use intimidation to twist a student's absolute truth into a personal opinion. She had told her class to complete the sentence, "If I could wish for three things, I would wish for..." A Christian student wrote "infinitely more wishes, to meet God, and for all my friends to be Christians." Since each student's wishes would be posted on a wall for "open house," they had to be just right. The Christian student didn't pass. The teacher told him that his last wish could hurt people who didn't share his beliefs. Since the student didn't want to hurt anyone, he agreed to add "if they want to be."
The student had to complete another sentence which began, "If I could meet anyone, I would like to meet..." the student wrote: "God because he is the one who made us!" The teacher told him to add "in my opinion. "When the student's parents visited the school, they noticed the corrections. "Why did you add this?" his mother asked. "The teacher didn't want me to hurt other people's feelings." "But these are just your wishes...." "I thought so." The student looked confused. Later, the teacher explained to parents that she wanted "diversity" in her class and was looking out for her other students. But why couldn't he share his views? "I try to instill God's truths in my son," said the father, "but it seems like the school wants to remove them."
The father is right both absolute truth and contrary facts clash with the mind-set needed for the global management systems. The planned 'oneness' demands "new thinking, new strategies, new behavior, and new beliefs" that turn society and God's Word and values upside-down. Facilitated group discussion is key to the transformation, and UNESCO's plan for "lifelong learning" calls for universal participation. Young and old everywhere must be trained to think and work collectively. That is the basis for Marxism and the way for the theory to be successful, otherwise without a plan for retraining there would not be a transformation. Remember that "Captain Zero" wants to transform America with 'Hope & Change' so that all are serfs with the same 'oneness' with a few select elites in charge.
Professor Benjamin Bloom, called the "Father of Outcome-based Education," summarized it well: "The purpose of education and the schools is to change the thoughts, feelings and actions of students." "....a large part of what we call 'good teaching' is the teacher's ability to attain affective objectives through challenging the students' fixed beliefs and getting them to discuss issues." This by itself is probably good teaching, however, today some teachers have gone far beyond this point and are really teaching the dialectal process!
Since the student's last comment exposed his "fixed beliefs," the teacher challenged it. Absolute truths such as "God made us" can't be modified or synthesized to please the group. Those who take a firm position on truth or facts will resist compromise and offend the group. Christians must begin to develop courage and profess their faith whenever and wherever they are challenged!
This mind-changing (Hegelian dialectic) process required students in Communist nations to "confess" their thoughts and feelings in their respective groups. Trained facilitator-teachers would then guide the group dialogue toward a pre-planned consensus. The original thesis and antithesis --opposing views such as Christianity versus Marxism -- would be merged or synthesized into ever-evolving higher "truths." As Julian Huxley suggested back in 1947, "the techniques of persuasion and information and true propaganda" must be "deliberately" used "as Lenin envisaged - to 'overcome the resistance of millions' to desirable change."
Today, a more sophisticated version of this brainwashing process drives the social transformation. helps root out individualism and the "intolerant" attitudes that could bring conflict and division. When bonded to the group and trained in the new relational rules, few dare offend the majority by taking a contrary stand. This gives all a new perspective on the "Hope & Change' slogan used by 'Captain Zero'.
"We have moved into a new era,"said Dr. Shirley McCune, keynote speaker at the 1989 Governor's Conference on Education. "What we are facing is total restructuring of society. We no longer are teaching facts to children." The masses must learn to feel that traditional values are an intolerable threat to peace, and Christians must be willing to trade their God-given absolutes for Huxley's view of evolving truths and collective thinking. But God says, “do not be conformed to this world.” Therefore, we make it our aim to “obey God rather than men.” Though the world demands consensus, we take our stand on the unchanging, eternal Word of God. [Romans 12:2; Acts 5:29]
However, the new method of "pooling your ideas" refers to the process of synthesis, which means the group must come to some kind of consensus. ... For example, when a boy saw a friend steal a book, should he be honest and tell the truth, or should he be loyal to his friend and tell a lie? The students reach consensus together. Thesis: a child's belief in the Great Spirit + Antithesis: another child's belief in God = Synthesis: new joint belief in many gods
Here is how the process might work: if one person believes in God (thesis 1), another in Buddha (thesis 2), and another in the Great Spirit (thesis 3), they may agree that "there are many gods" or that "every path leads to the same ultimate reality." This new thesis, of course, would not be considered absolute or final truth. It would merely be a higher step in the ongoing evolution toward ever greater understanding and perfection.
As you may expect, Christian children often feel anything but free to "express" their beliefs and ideas in this kind of group. That's part of the plan. Parents, therefore, must teach their children every day in every way that courage will be needed to interact with their peers and still maintain their faith.
'Transforming the World by Subverting the Church' "control the remaining 90 per cent" who act and think on an individual basis, former Communist leaders assigned all their subjects -- workers, managers, prisoners and students -- to local "soviets" (groups or councils) where they had to "Share" thoughts and notions. [Now cheered as "authenticity"] "Confess" contrary attitudes. [Brainwashing and "Education Reform"] Write "self-criticisms" for group evaluation. "Celebrate" Communist ideals and heroes "Commit" themselves to follow the group consensus. Practice what the group (led by the facilitator) decides.
The 19th century socialist Antonio Labriola called Marxism the Philosophy of praxis. Marx himself also alluded to this concept in his Theses on Feuerbach when he stated that "philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it." Simply put, Marx felt that philosophy's validity was in how it informed action.
Georg Lukács held that the task of political organization is to establish professional discipline over everyday political praxis, consciously designing the form of mediation best suited to clear interactions between theory and practice. This process was described in an article "Small Groups and the Dialectic Process," which summarizes the strategies taught in Leading Congregational Change (LCC). "This is a book you ought to read before you change anything," wrote Rick Warren in his hearty endorsement on the back cover.... If you want to guard your child's mind, look at this checklist. The complete chart includes a column with corresponding Scriptures. Know biblical truth--the only source of genuine wisdom (Proverbs 2:6) Learn the facts needed to defend what they know and believe. Recognize the difference between logic and speculation. Ground personal plans in reality, not fantasy. Trust genuine science based on facts and logic, not pseudo-science or social philosophy. Learn the lessons found in a factual study of history. Base actions in objective thinking, not subjective feelings.
God said, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." (Proverbs 6:22) There are other Biblical verses that instruct parents on ways to raise their children that are true and effective. If you would like a copy of these methods please send me an e-mail and I will contact you with a pricelist for these booklets. All the booklets are based on my Parent Education Workshops that I have presented to many churches and schools.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Dialectic Process and transformational Marxism - Part 2
Like Karl Marx, today's radical progressive globalist leaders seek ways to undermine Biblical truth and set up a type of society that can not resist their evil line of thought. They know that the main obstacle to global solidarity, is God's uncompromising Word and the conservative views. They cannot build "a single world culture" without first undermining absolute Truth. After all, that's why Christians were persecuted in the Soviet Union and other Communist countries! That is why christians in the middle east are daily tortured or killed!
ASCD (the curriculum arm of the NEA), published a 1970 book with a chapter by Dr. Raymond Houghton, who envisions a world managed through the subtle but manipulative collective "dialogue." His warning should be a wake-up call for all who love truth and factual truthfulness; "...absolute behavior control is the end result. The critical point of behavior control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his self-conscious realization that a crisis is at hand. Man will never self-consciously know that it has happened." However, if people look and seek the truth they will understand what is really taking place.
UNESCO published a 1995 book titled Our Creative Diversity. It tells us that-- "The challenge to humanity is to adopt new ways of thinking, new ways of acting, new ways of organizing itself in society, in short, new ways of living." Marc Tucker, the master-mind behind today's global school-to-work system. "Our objective will require a change in the prevailing culture -- the attitudes, values, norms and accepted ways of doing things." In other words, the old Christian ways and values are out and the new, subjective postmodern ways are in. Some teachers in some schools have been quietly teaching in this fashion for several years!
Already trained to follow feelings rather than facts (and peer culture rather than parental counsel) today's youth are marching happily toward an amoral, permissive (at least for the moment) collective society. Many have already internalized the ground rules for the dialectic process: Seek "common ground" in the midst of today's diversity. Show respect, tolerance and appreciation for all beliefs and values (unless they reflect Biblical truth). Train everyone to share their feelings, listen empathetically, and identify with opposing views, then blissfully flow with the group consensus. It works! This process transforms individual thinkers into group thinkers. Since the sense of belonging feels good, the threat of group disapproval inhibits members from voicing "offensive" views. The current version of this collective society thinking is the requirement that everyone must be politically correct when dealing with other members of the gulag.
Webster's dictionary defines the word dialectic as "Hegelian philosophy" a logical subjective development in thought, from a THESIS through an ANTITHESIS to a SYNTHESIS, or ... a continuous unification of opposites. "In the dialectic process, there must be two or more sides to everything. Nothing is absolute; everything is changing in a preplanned direction. As Ismail Serageldin, former vice president of The World Bank, said at the 1996 UN Conference on Human Settlements in Istanbul (Habitat II), "Let's just make sure that social change and transformation are going in the right direction." Apparently the correct meaning of that statement is change coming from the left, which is where it is coming from today in America.
"Would the American people allow government control and collectivism to replace freedom and individualism? Not without a fight and so would the rest of the world. However, this social transformation is well under way, and the American masses unknowingly simply flow with the change. Planned over a century ago, the framework for managing and monitoring this worldwide revolution was in place by 1945. The process seems simple and not really intrusive but once you look critically at how it works you begin to understand how dangerous it is. Remember the 2008 slogan of "Captain Zero" Obama, "We will change and transform America", what do you think that slogan meant?
Dr. Chisholm, Margaret Mead and other social scientists from ten countries wrote its founding document, "Mental Health and World Citizenship." Notice their attitude toward traditional values: "Social institutions such as family and school impose their imprint early.... It is the men and women in whom these patterns of attitude and behavior have been incorporated who present the immediate resistance to social, economic and political changes. Thus, prejudice, hostility or excessive nationalism may become deeply embedded in the developing personality... often at great human cost.... "...change will be strongly resisted unless an attitude of acceptance has first been engendered." Their motto then became keep it simple.
Today, more than half a century later, that "attitude of acceptance" has been built. Nations around the world are fast conforming to the pattern set in the 1940s. The global network of "mental health" partners is working to prevent anything that would hinder "positive" collective thinking in the rising global village....Mass immigration (planned back in the 1940s) and multicultural conflicts have added to the urgency, and the intentional crisis has helped promote pre-planned solutions. Today, strategies for social change such as group thinking, conflict resolution, consensus building and continual compromise are becoming the norm. All are based on the dialectic process used in the former Soviet Union to conform minds to Soviet ideology...
Islam may not match the UN model for a global spirituality, but its spreading influence makes it a useful tool in the hands of change agents. Remember the Hegelian dialectic (consensus) process. The class discusses a provocative story or experience. The students share their thoughts, feelings and ideas in the group. Everyone must seek "common ground" and empathize with contrary ideas. Factual rebuttals that might offend a group member are forbidden. Throughout the dialogue, a trained facilitator guides the group back on track if it deviates from its course toward the prescribed consensus or group conclusion. When feel-good Islamic suggestions become part of this mix, they help shift the consensus a little further away from any Christian position. How many 7th graders are strong enough in their faith to disagree with a group conclusion that Allah and God are the same? Who dares to express the uniqueness of Christ, when even Prince Charles, first in line to the British throne, says, "We share as Muslims and Christians a powerful core of spiritual belief - in one divine God"?
This tactic -- used years ago to indoctrinate Soviet children with Communist ideology -- now pressures children from Christian homes to "open their minds" to new religious blends. Islam becomes a stepping stone, not an end. It broadens the options. As part of a classroom program, it subjects a child's personal faith to a psycho-social group process that pressures students to compromise: to trade personal convictions for a pre-planned "common ground." And that is the key. We live in a world where -- as educators, politicians and business managers like to remind us -- "the only constant is change." The main objective is to disconnect children from their old spiritual anchors so that their minds can flow with today's managed change and group solutions.
Key to social transformation is "praxis", a vital part of Soviet brainwashing. It meant that dialectic groups must continually apply new information about Communist theory and socialist values. As today's educators tell us, "learning" must be practical and experiential: no need to memorize unnecessary facts about history or science that might conflict with the new vision. Continual practice makes the new way of thinking as natural as walking. Turning a deaf ear to "enemies" who resist this process becomes as habitual as locking your door. Look at what "Captain Zero" and his henchmen are doing and you will begin to realize that the gulag is not far off!
From UNESCO: Its purpose and Its Philosophy by Julian Huxley, first Director-General of UNESCO: "The task before UNESCO... is to help the emergence of a single world culture with its own philosophy and background of ideas and with its own broad purpose. This is opportune, since this the first time in history that the scaffolding and the mechanisms for world unification have become available.... And it is necessary, for at the moment, two opposing philosophies of life confront each other from the West and from the East....
"You may categorize the two philosophies as two super-nationalisms, or as individualism versus collectivism; or as the American versus the Russian way of life, or as capitalism versus communism, or as Christianity versus Marxism. Can these opposites be reconciled, this antithesis be resolved in a higher synthesis?" Huxley then stated " I believe not only that this can happen, but that, through the inexorable dialectic of evolution, it must happen.... "In pursuing this aim, we must eschew [shun] dogma - whether it be theological dogma or Marxist dogma.... East and West will not agree on a basis of the future if they merely hurl at each other the fixed ideas of the past. For that is what dogma's are -- the crystallizations of some dominant system of thought of a particular epoch. A dogma may of course crystallize tried and valid experience; but if it be dogma, it does so in a way which is rigid, uncompromising and intolerant.... If we are to achieve progress, we must learn to uncrystalize our dogmas."
Then Huxley stated that; "Groups or teams must be trained to disapprove if any member fails to demonstrate respect, appreciation and tolerance for all beliefs and positions that clash with his own. In other words, intolerance must be used to intimidate dissenters into compliance with the ground rules. There is no freedom to share 'divisive' facts or truth. Instead, each person must listen with empathy, seek to identify with diverse feelings, and join the quest for 'common ground.'
"The issues may change from week to week, but with each group meeting, this dialectic process becomes increasingly habitual and 'normal.' If a person has a particular belief (thesis) concerning a current issue, he listens and identifies with an opposite or conflicting notion (antithesis). Led by a trained facilitator, the dialogue moves toward a new synthesis, a blend of the two opposites. Week after week, the former synthesis becomes the new thesis. It, in turn, blends with other new views (antithesis) and a new synthesis is found. This process goes on and on.... Change becomes the norm and opposites such as black and white come closer and closer to a perfect and mutual gray."
"In their mandatory quest for common ground, students learn that there must be two or more sides to everything. All group members must present their personal views, receive group feedback, and seek an evolving consensus. Thesis + antithesis = synthesis (which becomes the new thesis) + new antithesis = new synthesis.... The main objective is learning dialectic reasoning and group thinking, not the content. Whatever the latter brings could be changed tomorrow. "As a result of migration into every American community, a high school class as well as a team of employee is likely to include members who favor Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, witchcraft and the various versions of 'Christianity.' In this multicultural setting, each person will be challenged to yield his or her certainties and willingly embrace the ever-changing group synthesis." Example: "It reminds me of the little old lady who prayed, 'Lord, forgive me', I do so many things I used to call sin."
Multiculturalism is a direct offshoot of Marxism and has spread throughout the world! Some countries like England and Germany have started to standup against this idea and are starting to take steps to oppose the idea of multiculturalism. In the US we still have a large number of supporters of multiculturalism who feel that it is important to be politically correct and be protective of even our enemies. We must begin to appose this terrible idea before the wolves of freedom start their attack.
Our liberal news media is the worst culprit of this type of political correctness. We see every day one or more articles in the news about the worth of being politically correct at all costs. The advance of the dialectical process is America's most important problem in today's world. If we, as a nation, do not protect our children against this evil growing amongst us then the collective is not far behind. When good christians do nothing then evil wins and I am afraid that we are losing the fight!
ASCD (the curriculum arm of the NEA), published a 1970 book with a chapter by Dr. Raymond Houghton, who envisions a world managed through the subtle but manipulative collective "dialogue." His warning should be a wake-up call for all who love truth and factual truthfulness; "...absolute behavior control is the end result. The critical point of behavior control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his self-conscious realization that a crisis is at hand. Man will never self-consciously know that it has happened." However, if people look and seek the truth they will understand what is really taking place.
UNESCO published a 1995 book titled Our Creative Diversity. It tells us that-- "The challenge to humanity is to adopt new ways of thinking, new ways of acting, new ways of organizing itself in society, in short, new ways of living." Marc Tucker, the master-mind behind today's global school-to-work system. "Our objective will require a change in the prevailing culture -- the attitudes, values, norms and accepted ways of doing things." In other words, the old Christian ways and values are out and the new, subjective postmodern ways are in. Some teachers in some schools have been quietly teaching in this fashion for several years!
Already trained to follow feelings rather than facts (and peer culture rather than parental counsel) today's youth are marching happily toward an amoral, permissive (at least for the moment) collective society. Many have already internalized the ground rules for the dialectic process: Seek "common ground" in the midst of today's diversity. Show respect, tolerance and appreciation for all beliefs and values (unless they reflect Biblical truth). Train everyone to share their feelings, listen empathetically, and identify with opposing views, then blissfully flow with the group consensus. It works! This process transforms individual thinkers into group thinkers. Since the sense of belonging feels good, the threat of group disapproval inhibits members from voicing "offensive" views. The current version of this collective society thinking is the requirement that everyone must be politically correct when dealing with other members of the gulag.
Webster's dictionary defines the word dialectic as "Hegelian philosophy" a logical subjective development in thought, from a THESIS through an ANTITHESIS to a SYNTHESIS, or ... a continuous unification of opposites. "In the dialectic process, there must be two or more sides to everything. Nothing is absolute; everything is changing in a preplanned direction. As Ismail Serageldin, former vice president of The World Bank, said at the 1996 UN Conference on Human Settlements in Istanbul (Habitat II), "Let's just make sure that social change and transformation are going in the right direction." Apparently the correct meaning of that statement is change coming from the left, which is where it is coming from today in America.
"Would the American people allow government control and collectivism to replace freedom and individualism? Not without a fight and so would the rest of the world. However, this social transformation is well under way, and the American masses unknowingly simply flow with the change. Planned over a century ago, the framework for managing and monitoring this worldwide revolution was in place by 1945. The process seems simple and not really intrusive but once you look critically at how it works you begin to understand how dangerous it is. Remember the 2008 slogan of "Captain Zero" Obama, "We will change and transform America", what do you think that slogan meant?
Dr. Chisholm, Margaret Mead and other social scientists from ten countries wrote its founding document, "Mental Health and World Citizenship." Notice their attitude toward traditional values: "Social institutions such as family and school impose their imprint early.... It is the men and women in whom these patterns of attitude and behavior have been incorporated who present the immediate resistance to social, economic and political changes. Thus, prejudice, hostility or excessive nationalism may become deeply embedded in the developing personality... often at great human cost.... "...change will be strongly resisted unless an attitude of acceptance has first been engendered." Their motto then became keep it simple.
Today, more than half a century later, that "attitude of acceptance" has been built. Nations around the world are fast conforming to the pattern set in the 1940s. The global network of "mental health" partners is working to prevent anything that would hinder "positive" collective thinking in the rising global village....Mass immigration (planned back in the 1940s) and multicultural conflicts have added to the urgency, and the intentional crisis has helped promote pre-planned solutions. Today, strategies for social change such as group thinking, conflict resolution, consensus building and continual compromise are becoming the norm. All are based on the dialectic process used in the former Soviet Union to conform minds to Soviet ideology...
Islam may not match the UN model for a global spirituality, but its spreading influence makes it a useful tool in the hands of change agents. Remember the Hegelian dialectic (consensus) process. The class discusses a provocative story or experience. The students share their thoughts, feelings and ideas in the group. Everyone must seek "common ground" and empathize with contrary ideas. Factual rebuttals that might offend a group member are forbidden. Throughout the dialogue, a trained facilitator guides the group back on track if it deviates from its course toward the prescribed consensus or group conclusion. When feel-good Islamic suggestions become part of this mix, they help shift the consensus a little further away from any Christian position. How many 7th graders are strong enough in their faith to disagree with a group conclusion that Allah and God are the same? Who dares to express the uniqueness of Christ, when even Prince Charles, first in line to the British throne, says, "We share as Muslims and Christians a powerful core of spiritual belief - in one divine God"?
This tactic -- used years ago to indoctrinate Soviet children with Communist ideology -- now pressures children from Christian homes to "open their minds" to new religious blends. Islam becomes a stepping stone, not an end. It broadens the options. As part of a classroom program, it subjects a child's personal faith to a psycho-social group process that pressures students to compromise: to trade personal convictions for a pre-planned "common ground." And that is the key. We live in a world where -- as educators, politicians and business managers like to remind us -- "the only constant is change." The main objective is to disconnect children from their old spiritual anchors so that their minds can flow with today's managed change and group solutions.
Key to social transformation is "praxis", a vital part of Soviet brainwashing. It meant that dialectic groups must continually apply new information about Communist theory and socialist values. As today's educators tell us, "learning" must be practical and experiential: no need to memorize unnecessary facts about history or science that might conflict with the new vision. Continual practice makes the new way of thinking as natural as walking. Turning a deaf ear to "enemies" who resist this process becomes as habitual as locking your door. Look at what "Captain Zero" and his henchmen are doing and you will begin to realize that the gulag is not far off!
From UNESCO: Its purpose and Its Philosophy by Julian Huxley, first Director-General of UNESCO: "The task before UNESCO... is to help the emergence of a single world culture with its own philosophy and background of ideas and with its own broad purpose. This is opportune, since this the first time in history that the scaffolding and the mechanisms for world unification have become available.... And it is necessary, for at the moment, two opposing philosophies of life confront each other from the West and from the East....
"You may categorize the two philosophies as two super-nationalisms, or as individualism versus collectivism; or as the American versus the Russian way of life, or as capitalism versus communism, or as Christianity versus Marxism. Can these opposites be reconciled, this antithesis be resolved in a higher synthesis?" Huxley then stated " I believe not only that this can happen, but that, through the inexorable dialectic of evolution, it must happen.... "In pursuing this aim, we must eschew [shun] dogma - whether it be theological dogma or Marxist dogma.... East and West will not agree on a basis of the future if they merely hurl at each other the fixed ideas of the past. For that is what dogma's are -- the crystallizations of some dominant system of thought of a particular epoch. A dogma may of course crystallize tried and valid experience; but if it be dogma, it does so in a way which is rigid, uncompromising and intolerant.... If we are to achieve progress, we must learn to uncrystalize our dogmas."
Then Huxley stated that; "Groups or teams must be trained to disapprove if any member fails to demonstrate respect, appreciation and tolerance for all beliefs and positions that clash with his own. In other words, intolerance must be used to intimidate dissenters into compliance with the ground rules. There is no freedom to share 'divisive' facts or truth. Instead, each person must listen with empathy, seek to identify with diverse feelings, and join the quest for 'common ground.'
"The issues may change from week to week, but with each group meeting, this dialectic process becomes increasingly habitual and 'normal.' If a person has a particular belief (thesis) concerning a current issue, he listens and identifies with an opposite or conflicting notion (antithesis). Led by a trained facilitator, the dialogue moves toward a new synthesis, a blend of the two opposites. Week after week, the former synthesis becomes the new thesis. It, in turn, blends with other new views (antithesis) and a new synthesis is found. This process goes on and on.... Change becomes the norm and opposites such as black and white come closer and closer to a perfect and mutual gray."
"In their mandatory quest for common ground, students learn that there must be two or more sides to everything. All group members must present their personal views, receive group feedback, and seek an evolving consensus. Thesis + antithesis = synthesis (which becomes the new thesis) + new antithesis = new synthesis.... The main objective is learning dialectic reasoning and group thinking, not the content. Whatever the latter brings could be changed tomorrow. "As a result of migration into every American community, a high school class as well as a team of employee is likely to include members who favor Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, witchcraft and the various versions of 'Christianity.' In this multicultural setting, each person will be challenged to yield his or her certainties and willingly embrace the ever-changing group synthesis." Example: "It reminds me of the little old lady who prayed, 'Lord, forgive me', I do so many things I used to call sin."
Multiculturalism is a direct offshoot of Marxism and has spread throughout the world! Some countries like England and Germany have started to standup against this idea and are starting to take steps to oppose the idea of multiculturalism. In the US we still have a large number of supporters of multiculturalism who feel that it is important to be politically correct and be protective of even our enemies. We must begin to appose this terrible idea before the wolves of freedom start their attack.
Our liberal news media is the worst culprit of this type of political correctness. We see every day one or more articles in the news about the worth of being politically correct at all costs. The advance of the dialectical process is America's most important problem in today's world. If we, as a nation, do not protect our children against this evil growing amongst us then the collective is not far behind. When good christians do nothing then evil wins and I am afraid that we are losing the fight!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Obama grasps what the Conservative Pundits don't!
During a recent interview with 60 Minutes, Obama was asked by CBS reporter Steve Kroft how the president sized up the field of Republicans vying to be his opponent in 2012. Obama's answer was candid : "It doesn't really matter who the nominee is gonna be," he said. "The core philosophy that they're expressing is the same. And the contrast in visions between where I want to take the country and what -- where they say they want to take the country is gonna be stark." Captain Zero was similarly candid before he was elected and no one listened to what he said! Hopefully conservatives and independents will listen this time. Remember the catchy slogan "Hope and Change" and his statement " I am going to... transform America".
The president couldn't be more right in his assessment -- a reality that I think is lost on many of us who are political junkies. Those for whom the world of politics is either their livelihood or at least an obsessive hobby tend to view issues through a different lens and apply a level of detailed inspection to them that average citizens simply do not. The conservative blogosphere is full of expectations of political purity when deciding the future Republican Presidential candidate.
For instance, most people watched only a portion of the recent Republican presidential debates, if at all. They care about their country and the direction it's going, but they are not the least bit interested in following the day-to-day drama of the presidential horse race. They immediately go to the bottom line, which for them is "anyone but Obama".
When the debates were over conservative comments were, "This is going to be hard. Contrary to the media template that has emerged about the "especially weak Republican field," the average conservative voter don't mean it is going to be hard trying to figure out which one of those candidates could possibly compete with Obama. No, when asked to clarify, they always reply, "It's going to be hard to figure out which one of them to support when they all are so much better than what we've got."
Maybe we all need to stop obsessing over the trivial differences in style or the substantive conflicts of specific policy between the candidates, most conservatives are looking at the big picture -- each of those Republican candidates represent a marked departure from the Obama (Captain Zero)regime. And I think that this is much more reflective of the hundreds of millions of eligible voters who will head to the polls next year?
However, to all those conservatives that complain about the baggage that both Romney and Gringrich carry I humbly ask: what principle do you hold that makes throwing Israel under the bus the best option? What principle do you hold that makes continuing to expand the practice of legalized child-killing the proper decision? What principle do you hold that makes the implementation and ingraining of ObamaCare into the fabric of our society a more noble choice? What principle do you hold that justifies allowing jihadists to gain control of the middle east? What principle do you hold that allows marxists to take over our government? What principle do you hold that would justify the denigration of our Christian beliefs? I could list many other things but I am becoming redundant.
Conservatives would be well-advised to make the case for their candidate and make every effort to get their friends and family actively engaged in this primary. Then promote said candidate vigorously, while keeping in perspective what even the president himself understands: that all six of the individuals on the recent Republican debate stage represent a fundamental shift in philosophy from the current occupant of the White House.
Considering that Americans are now facing double the gas prices since Obama took office, almost double the unemployment from what it was the majority of Bush's terms, double the debt, double the deficit, four times as many foreign countries under the thumb of the Muslim Brotherhood, fewer staunch allies who trust us, one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, more Americans than ever on food stamps, and the looming threat of a dramatic uptick in job loss as the president's own signature "accomplishment" from his first term (ObamaCare) is fully implemented, that's a reality that every conservative should be shouting from the rooftops.
Hat Tip to: Peter Heck E-mail, visit, or like him on Facebook.
The president couldn't be more right in his assessment -- a reality that I think is lost on many of us who are political junkies. Those for whom the world of politics is either their livelihood or at least an obsessive hobby tend to view issues through a different lens and apply a level of detailed inspection to them that average citizens simply do not. The conservative blogosphere is full of expectations of political purity when deciding the future Republican Presidential candidate.
For instance, most people watched only a portion of the recent Republican presidential debates, if at all. They care about their country and the direction it's going, but they are not the least bit interested in following the day-to-day drama of the presidential horse race. They immediately go to the bottom line, which for them is "anyone but Obama".
When the debates were over conservative comments were, "This is going to be hard. Contrary to the media template that has emerged about the "especially weak Republican field," the average conservative voter don't mean it is going to be hard trying to figure out which one of those candidates could possibly compete with Obama. No, when asked to clarify, they always reply, "It's going to be hard to figure out which one of them to support when they all are so much better than what we've got."
Maybe we all need to stop obsessing over the trivial differences in style or the substantive conflicts of specific policy between the candidates, most conservatives are looking at the big picture -- each of those Republican candidates represent a marked departure from the Obama (Captain Zero)regime. And I think that this is much more reflective of the hundreds of millions of eligible voters who will head to the polls next year?
However, to all those conservatives that complain about the baggage that both Romney and Gringrich carry I humbly ask: what principle do you hold that makes throwing Israel under the bus the best option? What principle do you hold that makes continuing to expand the practice of legalized child-killing the proper decision? What principle do you hold that makes the implementation and ingraining of ObamaCare into the fabric of our society a more noble choice? What principle do you hold that justifies allowing jihadists to gain control of the middle east? What principle do you hold that allows marxists to take over our government? What principle do you hold that would justify the denigration of our Christian beliefs? I could list many other things but I am becoming redundant.
Conservatives would be well-advised to make the case for their candidate and make every effort to get their friends and family actively engaged in this primary. Then promote said candidate vigorously, while keeping in perspective what even the president himself understands: that all six of the individuals on the recent Republican debate stage represent a fundamental shift in philosophy from the current occupant of the White House.
Considering that Americans are now facing double the gas prices since Obama took office, almost double the unemployment from what it was the majority of Bush's terms, double the debt, double the deficit, four times as many foreign countries under the thumb of the Muslim Brotherhood, fewer staunch allies who trust us, one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, more Americans than ever on food stamps, and the looming threat of a dramatic uptick in job loss as the president's own signature "accomplishment" from his first term (ObamaCare) is fully implemented, that's a reality that every conservative should be shouting from the rooftops.
Hat Tip to: Peter Heck E-mail, visit, or like him on Facebook.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Dialectic Process and transformational Marxism Part 1
Why is it important for you to understand the subject of the Hegelian Dialectic process and how it works? Because it is the process, which is accomplishing all change in our society today. More importantly, it is the tool that the radical marxist progressive liberal globalists are utilizing to manipulate the minds of the average American to accept that change, where ordinarily they would refuse it. You must understand what ‘Hope & Change’ really means because that phrase is not a benign statement as indicated by ‘Captain Zero’ and the lying news media. ‘Hope & Change’ is really about the complete transformation of American society to one that is more like a gulag. The 'Hegelian Dialectic Method' that is currently being used in some schools and churches is helping this transition. Remember that "captain zero" told us what he was going to do when he was running for the presidency! " I am going to transform America" apparently very few understood what he meant.
The Hegelian Dialectic is, in short, the critical process by which the ruling progressive elite (proletariat) create a problem, anticipating in advance the reaction that the population will have to the given crisis, and thus conditioning the people that a change is needed. When the population is properly conditioned, the desired agenda of the ruling elite is presented as the solution. The solution isn't intended to solve the problem, but rather to serve as the basis for a new problem or exacerbate the existing one. When the newly inflamed difficulty reaches the boiling point of a crisis, it becomes the foundation upon which arguments may again be made for change. Hence, the process is repeated, over and over, moving society toward whatever end the planners or "BigGov" have in mind. The radical left is currently trying to create chaos out of the public sector union protests and OWS in order to create a need for change. Remember that the Devil is in the details and the Devil always works his evil best in chaos.
It's also important to understand that as this process is being driven, arguments are created both for and against certain measures of change but all arguments are controlled. The presented solutions — each with varying levels of embellishment — are "debated" publicly by the manipulators or their minions. This is done until a perceived compromise has been reached on the best measure to take in route to solving the crisis. Then, the outcome of the "debate" — which purportedly weighs the concerns of the public with the mandate to do something — is enacted as public policy. Such is a summary of the Hegelian Dialectic. Though few in American society have ever heard of it, still fewer have not been profoundly impacted by its use in the effective neutralization of opposition in the formation of public policy. Public sector unions and OWS are trying to promote their views and their pockets to the detriment of the taxpayers. Unions have been taken over by marxists who are true believers in the Hegelian methodology.
The draft resolution of the 'Revolutionary Communist Party U.S.A.' is a perfect example of the Hegelian Dialectic method in action. In this document, the communists complain about all of the evils of society and they have created a list to blame on capitalism. Their solution to the problem, which like "Captain Zero's", is "Evil" capitalism must give way to the "fair" and "just" form of government — communism. Captain Zero's rhetoric is full of "fair" and "just" along with "hope" and "change" all of which he learned as a community organizer with links to the various marxist groups that formed his circle of friends.
The current batch of Marxists in the leadership of the United States Government is attempting to fashion our country as a Marxist state. Many democrats belong to the Socialist Democrats of America organization and I have posted these members names in previous blogs and their numbers are growing. Therefore, if we allow them to continue their plan then we have ourselves to blame for the damage that these radicals will create.
The plan is to infect our schools, churches, and our country; the goal then becomes to produce a marxist state! This is with "tension, created by diversity, is essential to the dialectic process. It energizes members and, when manipulated by well-trained facilitators produces synergy, which is the extra effectiveness created when people combine efforts. You can't guide people toward synthesis (compromise) unless there are opposing views; both "thesis and antithesis." That's why the consensus process must include all these elements: a diverse group, dialoguing to consensus, over a social issue led by a trained facilitator toward a pre-planned outcome. This method is currently used in various churches, schools, and social groups. We must focus on the fact that these marxists have a plan with a predetermined outcome, which is to transform America into a Marxist state.
The true dialectic group never reaches a final consensus, for "continual change" is an ongoing process: one step today, another tomorrow. To permanently change the way we think and relate to each other, our progressive leader must set the stage for conflict and compromise week after week, year after year. Dialectical thinking and group consensus must become as normal as eating, and Captain Zero developed these skills as a community organizer. Eventually, people learn to discard their old mental anchors and boundaries -- all the facts and certainties that built firm convictions. They become like boats adrift, always ready to shift with the changing winds and currents and allowing the elitists to control everything that is accomplished.
Today's facilitated small groups or teams in some schools and churches are not like the old Bible studies many of us attended years ago. Back then, we discussed the Bible and its wonderful truths; now people dialogue until they reach an emotional form of unity based on "empathy" for diverse views and values. Dr. Robert Klench describes the process: "Total Quality Management [TQM] is based upon the Hegelian dialectic, invented by Georg Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel, a transformational Marxist social psychologist. Briefly, the Hegelian dialectic process works like this: a diverse group of people (in the church, this is a mixture of believers (thesis) and unbelievers (antithesis), gather in a facilitated meeting (with a trained facilitator/teacher/group leader/change agent), using group dynamics (peer pressure), to discuss a social issue (or dialogue the Word of God), and reach a pre-determined outcome (consensus, compromise, or synthesis). Do you see the pattern yet?
"When the Word of God is dialogued (as opposed to being taught didactically) between believers and unbelievers... and consensus is reached – agreement that all are comfortable with – then the message of God's Word has been watered down... and the participants have been conditioned to accept (and even celebrate) their compromise (synthesis). The new synthesis becomes the starting point (thesis) for the next meeting, and the process of continual change (innovation) continues. "The fear of alienation from the group is the pressure that prevents an individual from standing firm for the truth of the Word of God, and such a one usually remains silent (self-editing).
The fear of man (rejection) overrides the fear of God. The end result is a 'paradigm shift' in how one processes factual information." Therefore, we must be aware of what our teachers are teaching and how they are teaching. If they are teaching children the art of compromise through synergy then parents must take corrective action. However, parents must be careful because teaching children the art of compromise is not necessarily a bad thing, it is the 'Hegelian Dialectic Process' that deceives by twisting truth through group consensus and it is wrong!
Background information on this method; Georg Hegel (1770 – 1831), an occultist, laid the foundation for Communist brainwashing. Today, his dialectic philosophy and transformational process are changing churches as well as politics, education, business and communities. Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) adapted Hegel's philosophy to his vision of a Communist/socialist world system. (See From Marx to Lenin, Gramsci & Alinsky) Mr. Alinsky gets around and is the hero of 'Captain Zero' who uses Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' as a guidebook in his plan to transform America.
Marx, Lenin and Stalin saw Hegelian dialectic process as an essential tool for managing the masses. Through their hierarchical system of soviets (groups led by trained facilitators who led the group dialogue toward a prescribed and evolving consensus). Everyone had to trade individual thinking for collective thinking and communal values. The vision of "common good" was simply the carrot that justified total and cruel control.
The United Nations (1995) has promoted the dialectic process around the world. Like the mythical Phoenix rising out of its ashes, the UN emerged from the fiery devastation of World War II as a beacon of light to utopian humanists and their hopeful followers. Within two years after Communist leader Alger Hiss presided over its birth, some of its most powerful agencies had been established. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) would be led by Julian Huxley -- brother of Aldous and a Fabian Socialist. He made the dialectic process the heart of UNESCO's global education plan. In his 1947 book, UNESCO: Its purpose and Its Philosophy, he wrote: "The task before UNESCO... is to help the emergence of a single world culture. the moment, two opposing philosophies of life confront each other from the West and from the East....
Marxists believe that we may categorize the two philosophies as two super-nationalisms, or as individualism versus collectivism.... or as capitalism versus communism, or as Christianity versus Marxism. Can these opposites be reconciled, can this antithesis be resolved in a higher synthesis? Through the inexorable dialectic of evolution, it must happen." "In pursuing this aim, we must shun dogma - whether it be theological dogma or Marxist dogma. East and West will not agree on a basis of the future if they merely hurl at each other the fixed ideas of the past. For that is what dogma's are -- the crystallizations of some dominant system of thought. If we are to achieve progress, we must learn to uncrystalize our dogmas." This is the Master Plan of the Radicals, to cause society to become soft and politically correct and as a result come to terms with a Marxist society!!! Do you see the connection to what is going on with our children and what they are being taught in colleges today? The current result of this transformation is being displayed in OWS!
WHO (The World Health Organization) was led by Canadian psychiatrist Brock Chisholm. He summarized his socialist philosophy at a 1946 US conference on mental health. His message was published by the (now prestigious) magazine 'Psychiatry', and by his Communist friend, Alger Hiss in the socialist magazine, 'International Conciliation'. Notice the obstacles to "mental health": "Can we identify the reasons why we fight wars...? Many of them are easy to list -- prejudice, isolationism, the ability to emotionally and uncritically to believe unreasonable things.... "The only psychological force capable of producing these perversions is morality, the concept of right and wrong.... For many generations we have bowed our necks to the yoke of the conviction of sin. We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers...."Individuals who have emotional disabilities of their own -- guilts, fears, inferiorities -- are certain to project their hates on to others... Whatever the cost, we must learn to live in friendliness and peace with... all the people in the world...." This is the current creed of all that believe in the globalist doctrine of oneness with others in the world order of one society or Marxism.
Those "poisonous certainties" include all the unchanging truths and values that can't be compromised. That's why Biblical Christianity was -- and continues to be -- incompatible with the world's standards for "mental health." Many who refuse to conform to the evolving guidelines for tolerance, inclusiveness, group dialogue and adaptability to the UN plan for "continual change" are facing severe consequences. Everyone must understand what is happening today in America and act accordingly because the numbers of our youth who are susceptible to this line of thought is increasing each year. The result of inaction is currently displayed by the members of the OWS demonstrations! If we do nothing then evil wins and the America that we all love will be no more! If you doubt that it can happen here in America then you need to listen to what the OWS demonstrators are screaming!
The Hegelian Dialectic is, in short, the critical process by which the ruling progressive elite (proletariat) create a problem, anticipating in advance the reaction that the population will have to the given crisis, and thus conditioning the people that a change is needed. When the population is properly conditioned, the desired agenda of the ruling elite is presented as the solution. The solution isn't intended to solve the problem, but rather to serve as the basis for a new problem or exacerbate the existing one. When the newly inflamed difficulty reaches the boiling point of a crisis, it becomes the foundation upon which arguments may again be made for change. Hence, the process is repeated, over and over, moving society toward whatever end the planners or "BigGov" have in mind. The radical left is currently trying to create chaos out of the public sector union protests and OWS in order to create a need for change. Remember that the Devil is in the details and the Devil always works his evil best in chaos.
It's also important to understand that as this process is being driven, arguments are created both for and against certain measures of change but all arguments are controlled. The presented solutions — each with varying levels of embellishment — are "debated" publicly by the manipulators or their minions. This is done until a perceived compromise has been reached on the best measure to take in route to solving the crisis. Then, the outcome of the "debate" — which purportedly weighs the concerns of the public with the mandate to do something — is enacted as public policy. Such is a summary of the Hegelian Dialectic. Though few in American society have ever heard of it, still fewer have not been profoundly impacted by its use in the effective neutralization of opposition in the formation of public policy. Public sector unions and OWS are trying to promote their views and their pockets to the detriment of the taxpayers. Unions have been taken over by marxists who are true believers in the Hegelian methodology.
The draft resolution of the 'Revolutionary Communist Party U.S.A.' is a perfect example of the Hegelian Dialectic method in action. In this document, the communists complain about all of the evils of society and they have created a list to blame on capitalism. Their solution to the problem, which like "Captain Zero's", is "Evil" capitalism must give way to the "fair" and "just" form of government — communism. Captain Zero's rhetoric is full of "fair" and "just" along with "hope" and "change" all of which he learned as a community organizer with links to the various marxist groups that formed his circle of friends.
The current batch of Marxists in the leadership of the United States Government is attempting to fashion our country as a Marxist state. Many democrats belong to the Socialist Democrats of America organization and I have posted these members names in previous blogs and their numbers are growing. Therefore, if we allow them to continue their plan then we have ourselves to blame for the damage that these radicals will create.
The plan is to infect our schools, churches, and our country; the goal then becomes to produce a marxist state! This is with "tension, created by diversity, is essential to the dialectic process. It energizes members and, when manipulated by well-trained facilitators produces synergy, which is the extra effectiveness created when people combine efforts. You can't guide people toward synthesis (compromise) unless there are opposing views; both "thesis and antithesis." That's why the consensus process must include all these elements: a diverse group, dialoguing to consensus, over a social issue led by a trained facilitator toward a pre-planned outcome. This method is currently used in various churches, schools, and social groups. We must focus on the fact that these marxists have a plan with a predetermined outcome, which is to transform America into a Marxist state.
The true dialectic group never reaches a final consensus, for "continual change" is an ongoing process: one step today, another tomorrow. To permanently change the way we think and relate to each other, our progressive leader must set the stage for conflict and compromise week after week, year after year. Dialectical thinking and group consensus must become as normal as eating, and Captain Zero developed these skills as a community organizer. Eventually, people learn to discard their old mental anchors and boundaries -- all the facts and certainties that built firm convictions. They become like boats adrift, always ready to shift with the changing winds and currents and allowing the elitists to control everything that is accomplished.
Today's facilitated small groups or teams in some schools and churches are not like the old Bible studies many of us attended years ago. Back then, we discussed the Bible and its wonderful truths; now people dialogue until they reach an emotional form of unity based on "empathy" for diverse views and values. Dr. Robert Klench describes the process: "Total Quality Management [TQM] is based upon the Hegelian dialectic, invented by Georg Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel, a transformational Marxist social psychologist. Briefly, the Hegelian dialectic process works like this: a diverse group of people (in the church, this is a mixture of believers (thesis) and unbelievers (antithesis), gather in a facilitated meeting (with a trained facilitator/teacher/group leader/change agent), using group dynamics (peer pressure), to discuss a social issue (or dialogue the Word of God), and reach a pre-determined outcome (consensus, compromise, or synthesis). Do you see the pattern yet?
"When the Word of God is dialogued (as opposed to being taught didactically) between believers and unbelievers... and consensus is reached – agreement that all are comfortable with – then the message of God's Word has been watered down... and the participants have been conditioned to accept (and even celebrate) their compromise (synthesis). The new synthesis becomes the starting point (thesis) for the next meeting, and the process of continual change (innovation) continues. "The fear of alienation from the group is the pressure that prevents an individual from standing firm for the truth of the Word of God, and such a one usually remains silent (self-editing).
The fear of man (rejection) overrides the fear of God. The end result is a 'paradigm shift' in how one processes factual information." Therefore, we must be aware of what our teachers are teaching and how they are teaching. If they are teaching children the art of compromise through synergy then parents must take corrective action. However, parents must be careful because teaching children the art of compromise is not necessarily a bad thing, it is the 'Hegelian Dialectic Process' that deceives by twisting truth through group consensus and it is wrong!
Background information on this method; Georg Hegel (1770 – 1831), an occultist, laid the foundation for Communist brainwashing. Today, his dialectic philosophy and transformational process are changing churches as well as politics, education, business and communities. Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) adapted Hegel's philosophy to his vision of a Communist/socialist world system. (See From Marx to Lenin, Gramsci & Alinsky) Mr. Alinsky gets around and is the hero of 'Captain Zero' who uses Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' as a guidebook in his plan to transform America.
Marx, Lenin and Stalin saw Hegelian dialectic process as an essential tool for managing the masses. Through their hierarchical system of soviets (groups led by trained facilitators who led the group dialogue toward a prescribed and evolving consensus). Everyone had to trade individual thinking for collective thinking and communal values. The vision of "common good" was simply the carrot that justified total and cruel control.
The United Nations (1995) has promoted the dialectic process around the world. Like the mythical Phoenix rising out of its ashes, the UN emerged from the fiery devastation of World War II as a beacon of light to utopian humanists and their hopeful followers. Within two years after Communist leader Alger Hiss presided over its birth, some of its most powerful agencies had been established. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) would be led by Julian Huxley -- brother of Aldous and a Fabian Socialist. He made the dialectic process the heart of UNESCO's global education plan. In his 1947 book, UNESCO: Its purpose and Its Philosophy, he wrote: "The task before UNESCO... is to help the emergence of a single world culture. the moment, two opposing philosophies of life confront each other from the West and from the East....
Marxists believe that we may categorize the two philosophies as two super-nationalisms, or as individualism versus collectivism.... or as capitalism versus communism, or as Christianity versus Marxism. Can these opposites be reconciled, can this antithesis be resolved in a higher synthesis? Through the inexorable dialectic of evolution, it must happen." "In pursuing this aim, we must shun dogma - whether it be theological dogma or Marxist dogma. East and West will not agree on a basis of the future if they merely hurl at each other the fixed ideas of the past. For that is what dogma's are -- the crystallizations of some dominant system of thought. If we are to achieve progress, we must learn to uncrystalize our dogmas." This is the Master Plan of the Radicals, to cause society to become soft and politically correct and as a result come to terms with a Marxist society!!! Do you see the connection to what is going on with our children and what they are being taught in colleges today? The current result of this transformation is being displayed in OWS!
WHO (The World Health Organization) was led by Canadian psychiatrist Brock Chisholm. He summarized his socialist philosophy at a 1946 US conference on mental health. His message was published by the (now prestigious) magazine 'Psychiatry', and by his Communist friend, Alger Hiss in the socialist magazine, 'International Conciliation'. Notice the obstacles to "mental health": "Can we identify the reasons why we fight wars...? Many of them are easy to list -- prejudice, isolationism, the ability to emotionally and uncritically to believe unreasonable things.... "The only psychological force capable of producing these perversions is morality, the concept of right and wrong.... For many generations we have bowed our necks to the yoke of the conviction of sin. We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers...."Individuals who have emotional disabilities of their own -- guilts, fears, inferiorities -- are certain to project their hates on to others... Whatever the cost, we must learn to live in friendliness and peace with... all the people in the world...." This is the current creed of all that believe in the globalist doctrine of oneness with others in the world order of one society or Marxism.
Those "poisonous certainties" include all the unchanging truths and values that can't be compromised. That's why Biblical Christianity was -- and continues to be -- incompatible with the world's standards for "mental health." Many who refuse to conform to the evolving guidelines for tolerance, inclusiveness, group dialogue and adaptability to the UN plan for "continual change" are facing severe consequences. Everyone must understand what is happening today in America and act accordingly because the numbers of our youth who are susceptible to this line of thought is increasing each year. The result of inaction is currently displayed by the members of the OWS demonstrations! If we do nothing then evil wins and the America that we all love will be no more! If you doubt that it can happen here in America then you need to listen to what the OWS demonstrators are screaming!
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